Chapter 715 The Letter That Won't Be Replied To

Emelie stared out the car window.

White snow had blanketed Capebatt City, covering everything in a thick layer of white, blurring out the road beneath it.

But when winter gave way to spring, and the snow melted, everything would return to how it was before. No one would remember what the road looked like when it was hidden under the snow.

Time was a fascinating thing. As it passed, it seemed that everything could be forgotten.

The traffic light turned green.

Aston waited for Emelie's response during the red light. When she received none, she assumed that Emelie wouldn't reply. She disappointedly sighed and stepped on the gas.

However, Emelie did end up speaking, asking in return, "And who was it that orchestrated my first arrest?

Ashton nearly hit the brakes.

Emelie continued indifferently, "Wasn't it William? He was so desperate to reconcile with me that he first made sure that I'd be arrested, only to swoop in and save me when I was on the brink of a breakdown. "Have you ever heard of the suspension bridge effect? When someone is in a life-threatening situation, they may develop feelings for the one who rescues them. That's how, after that incident, I slowly reconciled with him.

"And why did he go to such lengths to win me back? To get close to the Hoven family and get his hands on the account book. Every step was carefully planned.

"So tell me, Ashton, do you really think I should show him any kindness?"

Ashton was left speechless, and Emelie didn't say anything more after that.

When they arrived at the hotel, Emelie stepped out of the car, circled around to the driver's side, and tapped on the window. "Ms. Jones, show me your payment code."

QR code. Emelie scanned it and transferred her some

you for your hard work tonight, Ms. Jones. Make sure you get some rest." Emelie then

came back to her senses, Ashton

was calm and measured as she asked, " Ashton when

She opened her mouth

up the steps. She noticed that the bloodstain from when Samuel was hit

watched her enter the hotel before driving

they left the police station, William

soon followed him to the hospital and reported, "Mr.

indeed poor. A doctor was in the middle of

her back


you drop her off? Did you

"No, I only dropped her

a car accident in front of the hotel today. You should have escorted her

quiet any longer. "You care so much about her, but she doesn't even think about you, William. You're worse than I was when I

picked up his phone and sent a WhatsApp message to Emelie. "Let me know when you see this." He needed to confirm that she was safe

to Ashton with another instruction. "Keep a close watch on Beathan. If he makes any move

in the end. No matter how

William ignored Patrice's comments.

buzzed, and he quickly picked it up. However, it wasn't a reply from Emelie but

read the messages that he had sent her, he wondered if Emelie might have interpreted them as commands, which could explain

he sent her another message, saying, "I'm worried about you. I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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