


The first time I ever shifted, I felt what freedom felt like for the first time in my life. In the days leading up to the full moon, I had been itchy in my own skin. My mind raced all hours of the day. I was irritable and I couldn't stand to be around anyone. Especially Darren, He was six months older than me. Which meant he shifted six months before I did and I was so salty about that. How dare he get his wolf before me. I'd watch as he surpassed me physically and it p***d me off. It made me more upset that he wanted to be around me more to rub it in my face. naked in the middle of the grass fields just outside the city. The sky was spectacular from here. I had a full view of the moon and the clear summer night sky. My wolf is a little temperamental. She has no problem being heard.

lay perfect,"


His voice was the same, Deep, sultry. Yet, the sound of it was brand new to me. It had me sitting up it had my wolf pushing against my skin calling out to him. He came around and stopped right in front of me. His scent had me drooling. I remember taking it in, letting it overwhelm my senses. "You've known for six months?" I ask him.

"Baby, I knew from the moment I saw you," he laughed. "You're mine and you're always going to be mine.

Ive had this dream almost every day since he was taken away, and this is the first time it has turned into a nightmare. When I look up. it's not Darren standing in front of me. It's him. The Lycan King.

I jolt awake taking in deep breaths. My hands immediately come up to my face to wipe the tears as I try to catch my breath. The smell of sex and blood permeates my bed and it makes me gag I get up and run into the bathroom. I throw np little white chunks of what I'm thinking is bread. The taste of oranges and other fruits comes up with it. What the f*** happened to me? The last thing I remember is marking the King. His pain and rage had overwhelmed me and I just gave into it. It had been so long since I'd felt someone else's soul reach out to mine the way he had. It felt like a cold wave of water falling on me from above. It tried to crush me. Tried to drown me and as expected, I f***g hate him for this

For making me understand. For making me feel so alive.

1 hate myself for allowing him to put his hands on me. To touch me in places only my true mate had. The way he kissed me. It's official, there's nothing else but this. The anger. The pain. The longing for a life I know is never going to return especially now that I've let him in. Now that he's completely invaded my subconscious.

"Perry?" his s voice has the little hairs son the back of my neck standing.

"Give me a minute," I say into the toilet.

"I don't mind taking care of you," he comes in anyway and pulls my hair back. He flushes the toilet and as my skin and body reacts to him, I heave again.

It's not the first time I wake up sick to my stomach, but it is the first time I wake up sick to my stomach without throwing up whatever liquor had put my on my a*** the night before. I rotate my shoulders and crank my neck until it pops hard enough to make my body twitch. Other than this, I feel good. Well rested. It's kind of a big deal because I'm not big on sleeping

didn't have to come in here, I say pulling the lid down and flushing the toilet again. He helps me up and lets me go over

It's a Lycan's nature to take care of their mate. Even in our


scrub my teeth hard trying to get his taste out. But with his stamling a couple of feet away, that's not going to happen. My wolf is

He's staring at my body. I'm still very naked and very much covered in his blood and c***m. I'm

"Is that normal?"

he nods, "How

you feel?"

to go back to Red Wood and light the packhouse on fire with everyone

grins. "Good Your wolf had me thinking maybe

1 remind him. "Kind of built to be submissive. My grandmother was

the bites all over his stomach and chest.

too upset, I roll my eyes at his stu***smirk. I push away from the

think it would be triggered as fast as it did. It could be because of what he is. I also didn't think I would blank

a little bit of a problem," he adds. I stop and turn to look at him

"What kind of

kind of problem?"

Calvin being a

give up the rights to the house and the

care about the house, but those cars were my mate's and I'm not


kind of cars are

Darren liked

A custom nineteen sixty-five Impala. A nineteen sixty-four Jeep Gladiator

nods. How much is

hundred K. It's a very big


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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