

Silas and I both laugh when he growls lowly under his breath when we find Jacob and his mom laughing at the exit door that leads to the courtyard. He doesn't say anything, just storms past hem.

Jacob doesn't say a word to me as Silas escorts us to wherever the hell my things are. A smile tugs at my lips because I know Jacob is going to put the moves on the Queen. In fact, I think he already is and she is one hundred percent falling for it. He's dressed nicely. There's not a single hair out of place. He smells great and he trimmed his beard to the setting I put on his electric trimmer. I hope it works out for him and maybe I need to talk to the King about his insecurity of letting his mother be happy again. She deserves that after birthing not one but two a****es. Three if we add the little girl. There is a team of Lycans ready to take what I want up to my room when we arrive. They've set everything up as if I were shopping at a bodega. The first thing I pick up is my urn. I growl at the Lycan that tries to take it from me as I tuck it under my arm. I hold up the black jar and smile.

missed you, Extra Crispy," I whisper to it.


"Just touch what you want to be taken up, Silas tells me. "You too, sir,

"Thank you Silas," Jacob says,

I walk around looking for my things and tap them as I go

"Can some of this be taken to the dome as well?" I ask him. He straightens up and nods before waving someone over. whispers to them and they nod handing him an old price gun with black stickers

"Black sticker on what you want in the office," Silas hands it to me.

"Thank you." I call out to the man. He bows and goes back to his position.

"You have an office?" Jacob asks.



for joy to hear the only

This is all I care about, I hold up my jar. "I love you, but the last time I trusted you. You let Calvin

I wake up with a knot in my belly every morning. My eyes hurt from not sleeping properly. My head literally feels like it's going to explode all day long. I haven't turned off my survival mode since my mother died and the only person who got me to calm down enough is in this f***g jar. So, excuse me if I don't have any more f****ks to

them because that's what everything my mate ever got for me has been reduced to. He only kept a couple of frames and some extra linens and blankets. It didn't take long and when we were de Silas told us they were going to take everything down the stairs for a

me to see you trying to throw away something so special," he says when I head to the elevator to take my jar up to my room. "My son knew exactly what he had. He wouldn't change a thing about you. I know this kid is going to see it

going to change a single thing about me, Jake. I just want

my room and start placing things around as wait to be

Chapter 20

down. Everyone is here and no one

are a few desks on the platform and computers are still being updated. Silas is showing me what the King

money and puts it in his mother's account and that is what is used to keep their family assets from being sold. Including this village. James Prince is the biggest piece

the Alpha King's. Except, there aren't as many Lycans as there are wolves and there's a

designed some of the most innovative tech for shifters ever.

was recruited into that company, his new boss was from the pack they had come from in England and gave him some really great advice. That's where

me in.

a small inheritance from my parents and learned quickly that if I wanted to survive in the city. I had to keep my head down and

thousand dollars when I was sixteen years old.

evasion. Paw Coin is now worth two hundred and seventy-two point eight credits to the dollar. My four hundred K jurned into a hundred and ten million overnight. Give or take a couple of million. I took half that money and bought my first piece of Lycan Tech shares the following morning and paid for the program that Darren designed for them. Then he sold it to them for ten times what we had invested and we were both offered jobs and full-ride scholarships to keep working for for them. When I turned twenty-one, I was offered the CEO position. I had a single term left to finish my degree and I turned

on my hands and well, I joined the City's police force. I had tarnished any chance of me becoming acting Beta because of all the shit I did to Calvin and Morgan. How crazy is it that I ended up here, Jar of Ashes?

when the graphs on the screen

just went up twenty-six points on the stock market, someone else points out.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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