You're Out Daddy

Chapter 245

Chapter 245 Double The Excellent Genes

On top of that, the expression on Denise's face earlier was one that Kenneth had never seen before.

He subconsciously shifted his gaze to Natasha. It was clear she had seen it too, but she acted as though she had not noticed anything.

To her, as long as the trio did not cause too much trouble, she would usually choose to turn a blind eye and refrain from interfering.

With three children, conflicts will inevitably arise. If I step in every time something happens, it won't just be tiring for me, but the kids will also feel it is unfair. More importantly, I trust they can handle it themselves.

As soon as they walked in, all three children tacitly suppressed their anger and behaved as if nothing had happened.

Denise beamed, looking well-behaved and innocent.

“Great-grandpa! Mr. Handsome!” she greeted while smiling.

When Liam saw the little ones, his spirits immediately lifted, and he could not stop himself from breaking into a grin.

“My little darling, I heard you're going to be a star. Isn't that right?” Liam asked with a wide smile.

“It's not like that. It's just that Sharon said there's a movie she thinks I'd be perfect for, so I'm going to give it a try. At the same time, I'll see whether I'm cut out for this,” Denise explained.

“Oh? You're not planning on doing this for the long-term?”

“I haven't decided yet,” Denise replied. As she spoke, she deliberately cast a glance at Anthony and Benjamin. Evidently, her words were meant for them.

The two boys remained calm and composed, not even bothering to raise their heads. It was as though nothing had happened.

After pondering for a moment, Liam nodded. “That makes sense. I'll support you, no matter what you do. Just go ahead and do whatever you want. I'll always have your back.”

best!” Denise

can resist Denise when she's so

movie, you can't let it affect your studies. I'll look for a teacher

Handsome... There's no

resist snickering when they heard that,

something, Kenneth turned

teach in

Kenneth was dumbfounded.

stared at her, momentarily stunned. “Y-You've mastered it

nodded. “That's right. It's not all that hard. I only need to

a loss for

at Kenneth incredulously, then

calmed down. That's it. That's the Hamilton family's

Denise with

There were some things that I only had to glance through once, and with a little effort, they did not seem difficult at all. Moreover, I'd already mastered everything from middle and high school when I was in elementary school. I didn't expect that such a thing would be hereditary. Sure enough, Denise is my daughter. She has my genes. And if that's anything to go

seem like something a child would say or do. In

in his eyes... There was a bloodthirsty glint in them. I always thought I stopped an accident

did not know the

the corners of his lips curved upward, and he turned to

of relief. “Thank you,

Benjamin. Despite the smile on his lips, his piercing gaze seemed to have the ability to see

acting as though they knew nothing and

are some things we can't admit to. We'll just plaster childlike smiles on our faces. Yes. All we need

they spend time together, they'll soon learn more about the children's innate and extraordinary talents. There's no way to hide these things, nor is there any reason to do so. All that they've shown so far is

jumble of emotions. First, it was my son. Then, it was Natasha. It didn't only happen in school, but also with other complicated things like computers. It seemed as though they knew things without being taught. Hence, I'm not surprised these three kids can do what they

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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