You're Out Daddy

Chapter 254

Chapter 254 Touched

Soon, they arrived at the lobby of the hotel.

Kenneth didn't let Natasha go until they arrived at the lounge. She was placed on the couch before he asked a staff member to bring him a medical kit and a pair of slippers.

Looking at her leg, he crouched in front of her and started treating her wound in silence.

The pain in her leg snapped her back to her senses. A strange feeling flashed across her heart when she noticed him taking care of her wound.

With her leg on his, Kenneth used a cotton bud to treat her wound with care, as if he was handling a rare treasure. He kept blowing air on her injury as though he was afraid he would hurt her.

At that moment, Natasha was touched. Maybe I'm just being melodramatic, but his willingness to take care of my injury so carefully really touched me. Back then, when he saved me at the hospital, I didn't even feel this way, but now I do. I'm starting to believe his words aren't at all empty. Am I... letting my walls down?

“Kenneth...” she suddenly called his name as she stared at him.

Raising his head, the man met her eyes.

Emotions were swirling in her heart. Staring at him, she wanted to say something, but she didn't feel the words gathered behind her lips were appropriate to utter. After a long period of hesitation, she squeezed out only one word, “Thanks!”

He seemed to have understood something but didn't say anything. After he treated her wound and applied a band-aid on it, she was given soft slippers.

“I told you before that you never need to say that word to me.” Kenneth gazed at her.

As the woman looked at him, she wasn't sure what to say, so she just nodded after some time.

The edges of his lips curved upward with delight.

He glanced at the banquet before speaking up again. “Nat, I don't know what happened to you, but I know you're feeling pretty conflicted right now. Today is the triplet's birthday, and it's the first time so many people are celebrating it with them. If you aren't happy, they won't be either. So, turn that frown upside down, okay? I'll accompany you to do whatever you want to do after the event, all right?”

Indeed, he was qualified to be a father.

Natasha almost forgot about the birthday when she was blinded by her own emotions.

After she was reminded of the triplets, she nodded in agreement, as she also didn't want to disappoint them. “Mhm, I'm fine!”

return to normal prompted Kenneth to smile. “Let's go back, then,” he stated, stretching his hand out toward

at him with hesitation before

up and held her hand. “Does your

all,” she

it with his own eyes

what happened,” Natasha suddenly mentioned when

her a side

took a

triplets lost their enthusiasm for their birthday. They simply waited for them to return and didn't do anything. When the kids saw the two, they

Denise strolled toward

the two holding hands, mischief

the other hand, Terence's eyebrows furrowed when he saw them holding hands. Before he could ask anything, he noticed Kenneth holding a pair of high heels and Natasha wearing a pair of

it, but Terence could tell something was wrong with

“I accidentally hurt my leg when

turned his line of sight to Kenneth, wondering if she was telling

worry, Old Mr. Watson. Her bones were unhurt. It's just that her feet got a little twisted. Two

provided their explanation, Terence didn't feel the need

Anthony approached her and held her up on the other side. His worried gaze was


the hospital and have it checked?”

Nat!” Benjamin

Old Mr. Hamilton. I'm feeling all better now. I just need a little

pretty serious, you know. You shouldn't

got this.” A smile formed on Natasha's

sit here,

today and don't move, Nat!” Benjamin swiftly added. “If you need anything, just let me know. I'll be here to

face became brighter as she stared at them. I'm so lucky to have so many people who care

was why she felt compelled to celebrate their

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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