Cillian glanced over at Lucy as she sneezed and asked with a hint of worry, "Feeling unwell? That sneeze came out of nowhere. Remember to bundle up at night and resist cranking the AC too high." Lucy gave a resigned nod, but she was tempted to roll her eyes. Geez, Cillian was turning into a total mom-always fussing over her. Should she tell him to cut out the mother hen act?

She was thankful he could not hear her thoughts. He would be livid to know that his well-meaning concern was being met with such sass.

Seeing Lucy's compliant response, Cillian relaxed and shifted the conversation to more mundane topics. "You've got a new phone number, right? If there's anyone you need to keep in touch with, you'd better give them a heads-up about the change."

Lucy could not help but roll her eyes. She stayed silent.

It dawned on Cillian that they were in Charleston, far from home. Lucy had no old friends to call here. With her identity being a touchy subject, it was not wise for her to reach out anyhow. Realizing his blunder, Cillian chose to zip it. This spared them both from any more awkwardness.

Meanwhile, Lucy's thoughts drifted to her bestie, Chelsea. She spaced out, wondering what Chelsea might be going through now that she thought Lucy was gone. The weight of that thought pulled her mood down. Chelsea would be devastated and was probably drowning in guilt.

I just call Chelsea?" Lucy's question came out of nowhere, catching Cillian

not hold back his thoughts. "I'd say no. We're in too deep, and it's

She was not clueless. After days in Charleston under Cillian's watchful eye, with him never letting her out of his sight, she knew all too well the danger they

Lucy sent a silent plea to the universe. She wished for a swift end to their troubles. She longed to see Chelsea and to make


Heartbroken was an understatement.

or water for days on end. She was a prisoner in her own room, haunted by memories in old photo albums and the images

needed some space, that she would snap out of it after

had gone cold. No one could survive without eating for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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