A Beauty With Multiple Masks Chapter 530

“Is that Senior Mrs. Southall? What’s wrong with her?”

“Why does she look like she’s possessed?”

“Don’t say that at a funeral! You’re scaring me!”

“We better hurry up and eat so we can leave!”

The backyard was filled with discussion and chatter.

Malorie heard their comments, and she became more certain about her decision.

She tugged at Cindy’s clothes and said, “Don’t waste time. Call the exorcist right now. After all the guests leave, bring the exorcist over!”

Malorie so scared, Cindy was delighted. So being superstitious

did not believe in

she was

ordered Alan to bring

Cindy with a grim expression. He questioned, “You just got back, and what are

day! She wasn’t emotionally well. If I didn’t get her out, she would’ve fallen sick! Rick, have you been bewitched? You

for her! If she provokes Vinson again, she would have to face serious consequences

give you an explanation after all the guests leave. Apart from that, I have something important to

did not want all these filthy matters to sully Shandie. My poor

were still around, he could not press the matter further. He then continued tending

carry on. My mother is too upset. She’s not feeling well, so she went back

that, they consoled

felt relieved. However, his gaze was locked on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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