A Beauty With Multiple Masks Chapter 531

The more he stared at Cindy, the more dissatisfied Henrick became.

He had gone to the psychiatric hospital after talking to Arielle that afternoon.

Coincidentally when Henrick entered the hospital, a nurse and a doctor were talking about a man named Matthias who had visited Cindy there every day. Sometimes, Matthias even stayed in Cindy’s ward for an entire day. Therefore, the nurse and doctor knew that something was fishy between them.

Hearing that, Henrick had to fight back the impulse to confront the nurse and doctor. He hurriedly left the hospital after that.

If there was one thing he could not accept, it was his wife cheating on him. After all, he would never be able to hold his head high in Jadeborough anymore.

However, if the nurses and doctors in the hospital were not just gossiping or speaking nonsense, he would not let Cindy off the hook.

He would beat her to death if that happened.

letting out a heavy sigh, he tried to hide

after the guests leave. I


a direction

holding her, as if she had just seen

her notice that Malorie had become like that after the latter saw her and shrieked in

cheek self-consciously, Arielle wondered, Do I

leaving the Southall residence, Vinson finally met with Blake, who had been

had completely recovered, was crying in Blake’s

Vinson entered the mansion, Jordan took several

one noticed


his tears and sniffled

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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