Chapter 240 Surprise Attack 1


Gradually, the room was entirely shrouded by smoke.

Lying beside the cold coffin, Liliana brushed the bridge of Josiah’s tall nose with her fingertip and muttered, “Josiah, Dr. Nichols will definitely be able to cure you. We’ll be reunited soon.”


The man in the coffin closed his eyes tightly as if he was asleep.


After a while, when the scent of the incense got stronger, Liliana felt her vision getting more and more blurry.




Subsequently, she fainted to the ground.



In an instant, Natalie threw away the incense in her hand.


The incense she made only had the effect of calming the mind and could cause drowsiness. It had no medicinal effect of bringing people back to life.




“Cecilia, you aren’t dizzy, right?”


In response, Cecilia shook her head. “I ate the pill you gave me and didn’t feel anything.”




Natalie checked Cecilia’s pulse to make


I bring you out of here later, lower your head and pretend that nothing has happened.” Natalie’s eyes were cold, and a glint




“I understand.”


“Let’s go.”


met two guards standing in


they saw Natalie and Cecilia coming out,


“Where are you going?”


a secret. Come nearer.” Natalie beckoned to them


Natalie and Cecilia were just two defenseless women, the guards lowered


Natalie’s eyes, and she pricked two


guards fell


“Come on.”




the mansion,


was not bothered about


already gone mad. No matter how many miracle doctors she hired, it would be


be impossible for her to


that mad woman realizes that the miracle doctor is useless, she’ll naturally ask me to deal with her. When the time comes, I’ll kill her and bury the corpse. Then, no one will ever find out about the secret of the Todd residence, and I’ll still


Milton finished smoking, he returned with the servants to check on the situation


he arrived at the bedroom door, he saw two guards lying on


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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