Chapter 241 Surprise Attack 2

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the color of the woman’s hair was dyed red.

Natalie’s eyes were full of dignity when she glared at the guards.


Despite being alone, the aura exuding from her body made them dare not to underestimate her.


The guards in black did not expect Natalie to have such good skills and looked at her in disbelief.




However, Natalie knew deep down in her heart that she had to end the fight as soon as possible.



Her combat skills were only good against one or two opponents. Now that she had to fight against so many of them while protecting Cecilia, she had no chance of winning.


Seeing that Natalie had hurt their colleagues, the remaining guards attacked her more fiercely.




In a flash, Natalie shot arrows one after another, but those people were already mentally prepared, so the effect was much worse than the first time.


Milton walked




the safety lock and aimed the muzzle at Cecilia, who


Natalie exclaimed,


pulled the trigger, she


her away, the bullet did not hit Cecilia. However, Natalie was grazed by the bullet, and her right


“Natalie! Natalie!”


in front of her, Cecilia covered Natalie’s wound with trembling hands. Even then, she could feel a lot of blood gushing


“Natalie, are you okay?”


The bullet didn’t hit my


“You’re bleeding a lot.”


her best to keep


touched the


in danger because of me. I can die here, but not


she was thinking of using the explosives to buy time


twisted it. In an instant, Milton widened his eyes and slumped to the ground, no longer having the opportunity to


the remaining guards rushed forward to fight


In the blink of an eye, all


can really pack

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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