Chapter 242 He Is Angry


Later, Natalie was awakened by the pain of the wound.



After opening her eyes, her vision gradually became clearer.


The first thing that came into sight was a middle-aged male doctor. He was spraying alcohol on her arm to disinfect the gunshot wound.


As soon as she felt the stinging sensation on her arm, she could not help but hiss in pain.




Actually, she had high pain tolerance, but the wound on her arm hurt so much that she could not stop herself.



“You’re hurting her.” A hint of cold glint flickered across the man’s eyes.


The moment Natalie heard the magnetic and domineering voice, her heart skipped a beat.






direction of the voice, she




a tight frown and staring at


Dellmoor? Why did he


had woken up, Samuel’s mood did not


tightly, he reached out and held Natalie’s uninjured


was still smaller than a man’s. Samuel made her clench her fist tightly so that he could


she had to be important to him. If I make any mistakes during the treatment, it’ll be a small matter if he only asks me to




not make another sound when he


be enduring the pain with her willpower. When he


Thank goodness!


the director left, Samuel bent down and


It was already nighttime.


lamp on the bedside table shone on his face, making his


Yet, when she woke




do you have to say?” he asked in a


it difficult


It’ll be tough


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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