Chapter 172 Take Action

It took a lot of willpower for Christina not to crumble under Cedric’s sharp questioning!

Just when she feared Cedric might ask something else, he finally let her go.

“You can leave now.”

This sentence was like a reprieve for Christina.

She had never wished to escape so badly before.

Before this, she had always tried to spend as much time with him as possible when she could.

But today, he had exuded such an imposing presence.

It was terrifying!

After Christina left, Cedric was alone in the car. It took a long time before the storm in his eyes dissipated.

It was evident that both Rebecca and Christina hadn’t lied.

So… what was Natalie hiding from him?

At Sylvan Gems, as Natalie returned to her office after the meeting, she received a call from Stephen.

His tone was somewhat serious!

“Are you getting close to Cedric again?”


“Is he threatening you?”

Natalie sighed, rubbing her temples. “It’s nothing like that.”

“Zane and Karina told me something different. Also, I called Elegance Bay. You didn’t go back yesterday.”

“Karina even said she picked you up from Scarlet Villa!”


She really couldn’t keep quiet about these things…

“Don’t be angry with Karina and Zane. Since I placed them by your side, they wouldn’t dare to conceal anything when I asked.”

Natalie was silent.


They were both her uncle’s people, after all!

Stephen was a clever man. From what Karina and Zane told him, he had a good grasp or

happening between Natalie and Cedric

“He’s such a capable man, huh? How dare he cause trouble at Sylvan Gems?”


“I’m coming over right away!”

“No, I can handle this on my own.”

you handle it? Stab him with a

way to completely rid themselves

was just a fruitless

Natalie fell silent.

what was


How to handle this?!


to Cedric’s relentless pursuit. Now that Stephen knew, maybe she wouldn’t have

don’t you

knew everything, Natalie could rely on

could almost imagine the storm that Stephen and

phone and massaged her throbbing

entered with some documents in

These need your signature.”

“Zane, I’m not-”

should tell Mr. Jarvis

presence Mr. Johnson has in Verde

but Natalie understood his meaning. Zane was sharp, and

sensed something was amiss.

evident when he uncovered Irwin’s

You can leave; I want

Zane nodded and left.

empty, Natalie threw a cup on the floor in frustration. If

could take Leon and the others

to beat him

she knew it was

only result in Leon

to the office, and

“Mr. Johnson!”

her call

was referring

period you’d like


a while. It might be challenging to find,” Lucas replied after estimating the

Go and try!

“Yes, air Lucas nodded.


stared blankly at the wall.

something as he asked, “Has Yuvan

“He’ll be back tonight.”

to see

“Yes, sir,”

in the office. A profound darkness flashed in his eyes as

contemplated Natalie.

changed during this period, Cedric couldn’t

had happened to her.

What had he…!

eyes, he concealed the chilling gaze

wonder she hated him so

the first one

later, during the chaotic time at Scarlet Villa when he was

so much alone.


about the things he didn’t

now, he understood that during the time he wasn’t there, the despair


his phone, he looked at two photos. In one, she appeared like a little tiger, seemingly eager to bite

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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