Chapter 173 Retaliation

Natalie felt her chest tightened.

Cedric, he…!

He really dared to do anything.

There were two photos attached to the report. Both were of her biting him, but the look in her eyes had

clearly been edited!

[Did Mr. Johnson really divorce Mrs. Johnson? It doesn’t seem like it!]

[Will there soon be a reconciliation between Mr. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson?!]

Those were among the various headlines that were written.


Natalie ruthlessly swept the computer from the meeting table to the ground.

Only God knew how reluctant she was to involve herself in such rumors with Cedric. And now, these


Without needing to think, she knew that she and Cedric would be even more popular than public figures

for a long time to come.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

Cedric’s name flashed on the screen of her phone, but she ignored it.

Natalie rushed out of the meeting room.

Zane was waiting outside. When he saw Natalie coming out and how angry she looked, he hurriedly

approached her.

“What happened!?”

“Handle the meeting here, I have urgent matters to attend to!”

Yes, ma’am!”

Zane obviously hadn’t seen the reports yet!

During working hours, they were all very busy. Cedric had taken advantage of this fact and left her with no

time to react

Half an hour later, Natalie stormed into Radiant Tower

When Lucas saw her, he approached and respectfully said. “Ma- Ms. Walker!”

He quickly changed how he addressed her due to the stern look on her face. He had to admit that despite her petite stature, Natalie did radiate a powerful presence.

“Where is he?” She said, the anger still evident in her voice.

Upon seeing Natalie, everyone in the secretary department quickly turned their attention to their own


with, and they had

there were a few people who looked at Natalie in disdain


with them now,

Johnson is waiting for

the floor as she

everyone inhaled sharply as she kicked the office door with such force that


shocked and tensed

was obviously in a terrible

was behaving completely differently

already waiting for her. Hearing the commotion, he looked towards the

him with fire in


walked in and slammed

sound echoed loudly through the air, and everyone in the secretary

approached Lucas and said, “Mr. Smith, it seems that the lady boss’s temperament

you think she could be the CEO of Sylvan Gems

asked the previous question

don’t judge

indeed some truth in


Cedric placed his phone on

her words. Instead, he

Natalie was silent.


at her as if

original arrogance diminished with Cedric acting this way.

climbing further,


talking about the same thing

“Of course, it’s related.”

will probably be coming back

Now Natalie understood.

wanted everyone to know that he and Natalie were still together before Irwin returned. He forcefully cut off

heaved heavily when she thought about this. “Cedric, you’re truly

of shame is a tricky

had gained nothing with this momentum. Instead, she

heart made her feel even

Stephen’s troubles are not as simple as you


wonder what will happen to Regal Horizons,

“Shut up!”

to listen anymore. She dearly wished she

his face!

but she


really wasn’t significant, why would Stephen be tied

she thought

the angrier abol

end, she stomped out of the room

he watched her leave in a

had a hint of

to say something. However, she rushed straight to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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