Chapter 228

‘No worries,’ she assured herself. ‘There’s ample time.”

Just because they had broken up now did not mean that they could not get back together again in the future.

Her agreement to a break up and gaining from it by the way was merely a delaying tactic on her end. She had never thought of giving up Jay just like this!

The car arrived outside Jessop Villa.

The moment Mandy stepped out of the car, Jay spoke up. “I need your help with one thing.”

Mandy was taken aback.

Jay needed help from her?

“Please keep Zoe’s identity a secret.”

Mandy was upset.

She harbored an innate sense of animosity against Zoe, and the mere mention of Zoe’s name was enough to annoy her.

“Exposing her identity doesn’t benefit you.” Jay went straight to the point.

“Do you fancy Zoe?” Mandy looked right into Jay’s eyes.

when it

“I don’t.”

you treating her

from the

Did you forget how


denying your feelings for Zoe because Alan doesn’t approve of your relationship with her?” Mandy’s voice

have initially thought that the subtle nuances in Jay

thinking straight, she realized that there were many tell-tale signs.

she knew that no one

possibly go against

Jay had no intention of speaking further. “Just remember what I said earlier.”

he drove away with nary a

bit her lip hard.

whether she really liked him or not, she would never

Levine Manor, Zoe watched the black car drive off

her phone and made a call.

bright and easy, a stark contrast from how silent and

sounded equally

trace of fatigue could be

refuses to let me go,”


are you doing?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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