Chapter 229

Cordy sipped on a cup of coffee as she looked out at North City engulfed in the night.

Once again, she decided not to leave North City.

How big could the city get? There was always a chance they would see each other, and she had nowhere to hide anyway.

It was as easy as pie for John to see her if he wanted to.

What point was there for her to force things?

“I’ll tell my brother.” Zoe immediately broke into a huge smile.

Cordy really appreciated Zoe’s personality.

Zoe was carefree, lively, and cheerful, and hanging out with Zoe always made Cordy feel that bit more optimistic.

“It’s getting late. Rest early,” Cordy reminded Zoe.

“Same goes for you too. You’re always working so hard, your health will take a hit. Have you had dinner?”

“Yes, I have.”

care of yourself. I’ll come back


happily hung up and headed

standing right outside, and they all looked ready to make a move the moment

pretended not to see them and reached out for the door


want to see

is asleep.”


is to see Young

say…” Zoe’s blood was beginning to

you, Miss,” the

Zoe cursed.

difficult for us,” the bodyguard said

was truly being serious

be worried. Would John

teeth. She had no choice but to leave.

the time it was past midnight, Zoe thought that

was not staying overnight here, they could stay overnight elsewhere. Since they just had a fight, wasn’t sleeping with each other

away from the door of Jay’s

took a step, she

me?” Jay

was calm and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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