Chapter 270

Just then, someone sent a message to Cordy's WhatsApp. She opened her app to find that it was John.

[Do you want to cover up the news?]

The news and public opinion was clearly in their favor, but John was worried Cordy wouldn't be able to endure it.

[No need,] Cordy replied bluntly.

She didn't agree with Noel's cruel methods, but Cordy wasn't kind enough to pity the man who had wanted to hurt her.

She would simply sit back and enjoy the show.

[Got it.]

With that, Cordy exited the app. She got up from the couch and stretched her still sore body before saying to Zoe, "I'm going to lie down for a while."

Zoe was still reading the news on her phone, clearly worked up, but she nodded in response. "I'm sure you're exhausted from last night. Go ahead and get some rest."

at Cordy and her full attention was

with the other people in the thread while also enjoying the drama.

Simon was so happy when he read the news that he roared

of this scandal, and Noel has become a victim. With this, I can justify not giving any financial help to Jessop Corp. I can even hold my head up proudly to

mood, even though not everything had gone according to her plan. After all, she had really wanted Kyle to defile Cordy; they would’ve been labeled cheaters if they had slept together behind her back. Kyle's reputation would’ve taken a hit, which would be a good reason for Noel to break up with him. Cordy would also suffer. It would’ve been hitting

Noel saw what happened through the miniature camera she had

already have a fiancee? Why would he still go out

Noel saw John rush in, she genuinely thought John would actually kill Kyle with how brutally

refused to admit it, but with the facts right before her; it was evident John still held strong

didn't dare do much to Cordy. It would be easy for John to get revenge on Noel if he wanted to, so she only let the fact that Cordy had been the victim if this matter was leaked. The main reason to get the

and announce my breakup with Kyle. Then we'll have no connections to the Jessop family

obedient look, she made it seem like such a cruel

and he continued, "I should’ve brought a talented child like you to work in Sachs Enterprise a long time ago. Tomorrow, you'll follow me to the office, and I'll ensure you have a good position. Also, I said I'd

called out from beside him, causing Simon to shoot her

and the same could be said about you. Handing out your shares so early in the years is inappropriate. We're family, so what's yours will eventually be hers, no?" Sue said. "I'm sure Noel cares more about our family bond than the shares. Isn’t that right,

course Noel cared

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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