Chapter 271

West Point Detention Center.

Cordy went through the standard paperwork to visit Kyle Jessop.

She didn't have the slightest bit of sympathy for him, but she was convinced he should understand a great many things by now.

Especially the fact that while Cordy would never hurt others, she wouldn't allow herself to be taken advantage of.

If she was harmed, then she would take an eye for an eye.

It was just after 24 hours in custody, but Kyle looked far more haggard than Cordy expected.

towards his personal appearance. In fact, the reason she was drawn to him in the first place while they were abroad was

he would always project the image

that remains of that charming youth was gloom

sentiment she once held towards him gone up in smoke, Cordy would remain

here?!" Kyle snarled, the anger in his voice barely

last twenty-four hours have been terrible. His vanity now carried a hint of stubbornness, as if he refused to

was not about to be soft just because he ended up in such a

springing out of his chair immediately; as if someone had lit his fuse. "I've had enough of you! Meeting you was my

barked, brandishing his baton before Cordy

face the instant he saw the baton; it went without saying

be comfortable. Once the warden snapped at him, Kyle promptly turned silent

an order, the warden turned towards Cordy, asking with her eyes if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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