Chapter 318

The doors to the operation room opened just then, and a pale-faced woman was wheeled out, looking utterly enfeebled.

Still, her injury was not at all serious.

However, as everyone including Nancy turned toward Cora Gooding, she felt as if she was punched in the gut, her breath leaving her lungs right then.

Clara had been a maid in Levine Manor when both Nancy and Clara got pregnant around the same time. After Clara delivered her baby, she insisted on returning to her hometown with her daughter and left the Levines’ service...

'No! That's impossible!'

Nancy’s face turned pale.

She could not believe something so ridiculous would happen to her! She could not believe that the daughter she raised over twenty years was not actually hers!

And yet, Zoe's blood type...

Nancy rushed to a doctor nearby and asked, "What is this patient's blood type?"

"A," he replied.

punch in

looked almost just like

shuddering even

to wheel Cora off,

daughter needs to

your daughter?!' Nancy bellowed

her eyes, and her fear only further

wheeled on Ivan, who was

yelled, as if crazed. "What's

the corridor,

people started to file into the corridor-Levine Ventures' employees with

the scene as well, saying urgently, "We have ten donors ready, so

tears started

Nancy." John's voice actually turned hoarse—Nancy's reaction was really

the emergency room swung open again, with the nurse asking urgently, "Are the Type AB blood

his employees to go when Nancy suddenly moved

"No one will be saving

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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