Chapter 319

The nurse called out again, "Are the type AB blood donors here? The patient is in critical condition..."

There was a crowd right outside the operation room, but none of them were coming for some reason.

"Aunt Nancy, this can wait. Let's help Zoe for now," John urged.

"Don't you dare help her!" Nancy bellowed bluntly.

Never had she been deceived so thoroughly in her entire life!

It turned out that she had raised someone else's daughter for over twenty years, and to add insult to injury, it was her own husband's mistress! All while her own daughter had to live somewhere out there, suffering!

The thought that Zoe enjoyed all the nice things in life and how Nancy herself cared for her every need... She felt disgusted as if she had just swallowed a cockroach.

"Please, Ms. Levine." Clara suddenly dropped to her knees in front of Nancy, sobbing. "Please, you have to save Zoe. It's all my fault-take it out on me if you want! I was just bewitched back then, and my stubbornness led to this... Zoe is innocent. She has nothing to do with this! Please, you have to save her..."


she spat, "She's innocent?! Then what about my daughter?! Why should she have to suffer with you?! She was working as



do this to her?! To deceive her

got off the floor and started pleading with Ivan instead.

happens, she's your daughter. You have to save


Ivan had been born to an average family and lucked out by marrying Nancy. If they

for him during one such argument, and he was also drunk. That in turn led to a fumble with

next day-in spite of everything, he and Nancy really loved each other. But the damage was already done, and his

take a cent, insisting that she could not find a better job than the one she had. She also promised not to trouble him,

that happened, he would

that both Nancy and Clara were found pregnant

but she

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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