Chapter 13

“I promise to smother you in your sleep,” I threatened, hoping that would change his mind. I wished my threat would convey my anger and hatred for him.

“If you’ll smother me to death, at least do it with love. Let me have a taste of your love right before I die in your arms,”

His response caught me off guard. There are so many times, I wish I could read through his words, his expression but all I could see in his eyes was the same sincerity.

1 pointed my finger at him, and smacked my lips together as I tried to find the next set of threats that’ll get me out of this


“I’ll set your house on fire. I promise to set this place on fire while you sleep,”

“I’ll build another one. Nibbles. In fact, I’ll be sure to build two; one for you and one for me,” I couldn’t help but feel a flutter of confusion. His words created a swirl of confusion within me. Something has changed. He was supposed to threaten me back not engage in a st*pid, childish banter.

“I would rather sleep on thorns than sleep beside you,” I spat. A deep frown creased the soft skin on my face. I didn’t want him to say anything in return.

“Do you hate me that much, Nibbles?”

I sucked in a deep breath. His words tugged at my heart all of a sudden.

“What else have I been saying all these while? Yes, I hate you, Darius. What other language do you want me to say it in?”

“You do realize..”

He didn’t get to finish his words when my little angel suddenly interrupted. “Why do you hate Uncle Darius, mama?”

Shit! She heard that. How do I explain to a five-year-old that I hate her father because he’s a beast in human form? How do I tell her I hate him more than a s*upid pineapple?

“Ahm, I wasn’t talking about Darius. I was talking about somebody else, baby. Why don’t you go find your nanny?” I tri dismissing her but she held on to my hand, refusing to leave.

“Hello, Uncle Darius,”

“Hey, Reina. How was school today?”

“Good,” He winked at her and she giggled. He turned to me and asked, “Do we have an agreement?”


I’ll have them move your things to the

you for

wide open.

lying about being civil He’s Darius.

thank you?” He asked as I walked

me before I




May 28

Chapter 13

his eyes down my body as if I was his first meal in several days before he mouthed,


and how much effect they had on me. I glared

got ready for bell.

about wolves.

teacher said

taught those?’ I mumbled to myself.

Mama, what

thought I

I tell you that tomorrow? Tonight, I would read your favorite bedtime


excitement. I was able to fish out the books from the boxes that had arrived


to her while she beamed at me. She loved her bedtime stories and she would always listen with excitement. You could see the light in her eyes shine more brightly with each word that I read. She would struggle to stay awake so she could listen to the story to the end but every

book. I kissed her forehead,

I found out earlier that he was

How was

room’s door was opened ajar. Curiosity killed the cat they said, well, curiosity might get me killed as well. I decided to take a peek into his

his room, receiving a phone call. He was wearing grey lounge pants and nothing His top was bare and his skin was so perfect and shining that running my tongue across wouldn’t be a sin. His muscle well-defined. His back was turned to me, the phone pressed to his ear. He was speaking in a language that I didn’t quit understand. Whatever he was saying was

done being intrusive. I should

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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