Chapter 15

“She threw hot water on Miss Daisy,” One of the housekeepers responded. The three of them were all around Daisy, fuzzing and asking if she was okay.

“I did no such thing. What are you talking about?” I demanded, almost angry while I was writhing in pain.

“Why are you lying?” The cook glared hard at me. “I saw you and I’m sure everyone in the kitchen saw you throwing the teapot on her knowing fully well there was hot water inside it,”

“Don’t try denying it.”

“Nibbles, are they speaking the truth?” Darius asked. I turned to him and shrugged.

“I don’t expect you to believe me but I didn’t do it. I’m not some rabid wolf who would go around hurting people,” I answered.

“It’s fine, I’m sure she’s fine,”

Charles eyes were focused on my leg and when he looked up, our eyes

our eyes met. “It’s fir

“I didn’t do it,

I insisted.

“Four people saw you and you want to tell me the four of them conspired against you about something like this,” Darius added. “Why would you hurt someone like Daisy? She’s taking the time out to help you take care of your daughter,”

“I didn’t ask for her help or your help. I’m capable of caring for my own child,” I yelled,

No one told me anything before a nanny was hired for my child I’ve been taking care of her alone for five years. I’m so sure I have all the time in the world to take care of her. Ididn’t need anyone’s help before and I’m so sure I still don’t need any help.

“I’m so sure she didn’t mean to hurt me. I already told her about going out with Reina today and although she didn’t like the idea, I don’t think it’s enough reason for her to hurt me,” Daisy replied with a shaky voice and tears in her eyes.

eina.” Darius asked.

“Is that it? Did you hurt her because of Reina,”

“Why are you asking me that when you already judged me without a trial? You don’t even trust me enough not to d something like that and yet, you want to hear my answer. Fine! I did it! I hurt her on purpose,”

Darius stared at me for a few seconds, shook his head, and said “This is below you. You shouldn’t have done somethin


his distrust in me. I wished he’d believed me when I said I didn’t do it. I found it hard to believ that Darius

as soon as the tension in the

no way I was okay with

doctor from the hospital,” Darius demanded. For a moment, I thought he wanted the doctor to check up on me and maybe he cared a little bit but my hope was

me hissed instead. The three women along with Dasiy all walked out of



Chapter 15

to the pack’s clinic,” Charles suggested. I shook my

should go

that. You’re in pain. You need

be fine, you shouldn’t bother


it right here and even though it smells

words thoroughly to see if he was serious. “I was kidding. I just wanted to get you to agree to

well. “I’ll

at your mom’s”

We got the pack’s clinic. He dragged me into a doctor’s office immediately. The doctor looked familiar at first but on a second look, I realized she was,

was my only friend but I wasn’t his

have lunch together almost every day”

it took

of Darius anyway. Remember the one time you wouldn’t stop talking about how your eyes met and he wouldn’t look away.” Charles cleared his throat and I’m sure Haley got the

fine, you don’t have to

cool. I’m guessing we’ll catch up more at our movie night tomorrow. Did you invite her, Charles?” I looked between her and

movie night?”

together and

way. “You’re welcome to come

stayed in this pack. I’m

don’t think

treatment, and also sealed my fate of seeing them tomorrow again at the same time. I

“Thanks, Haley,” I said.

waved me off and

a few hours. Reina is already at your mom’s house. Where

go? Your mom’s


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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