Chapter 103

Angela’s POV

I was left in the basement for a few hours all alone. I’d never been so scared of anyone the way I was scared of Ryker. The word ‘scared‘ couldn’t seem to describe just how I felt. Maybe petrified could capture it. He asked me what I was useful for and I didn’t find the right answer for him.

I kept my mouth shut and watched as he walked away, some of his men behind him. I didn’t know why I didn’t cry. Maybe I was too scared to cry or I was too tired to cry.

My heart went to Reina. She had asked me not to leave but I did. I hope she would be able to forgive me for not listening to her. My poor baby! She would be all alone wondering where her

mama went.

I picked up the bottle of water left in the basement and contemplated drinking it. As I brought it to my lips, the thought of it being poisoned crossed my mind and I had no choice but to throw it

across the room.

The basement door opened again and two hefty men walked into the room. I panicked.

“What’s going on?” I asked as they both walked towards me. No one answered my question. Instead, they gripped me by my arms and dragged me out of the room.

“Where are you taking me to?” I asked and no one gave a response again.

“Help me! Somebody help me!” I screamed. One of them looked back at me with a glare that was so scary I sealed my mouth shut.

I couldn’t even look around the house I was being dragged through. It was almost empty but it was a majestic mansion.

A new room was opened and I was thrown into it. Before I could get up from the floor, I heard the door being locked from outside. I stood up with a limp and began hitting the door, hoping someone would be kind enough to open the door.

After several minutes of knocking, I gave up and sat on the floor. I took a better look at the room. There was a small bed that could barely accommodate one person. A table and chair by the corner. A blurry mirror and a bathroom. I walked closer to the window to see if it was locked.

Fortunately, it wasn’t. I was so happy as I unlatched the window pane open. I was finally going to escape. Το my shock, as I looked down, fear gripped me. I was probably on the third or fourth floor of the building. If I tried escaping, I wouldn’t leave here alive.

I crumbled back to the floor and took a deep breath. Losing hope so early wouldn’t help.

The door was thrown opened and a woman came inside. One of the hefty men from earlier looked into the room till he saw me.




Mon, Aug

Chapter 103

“Get her ready as quickly as you can. No need for unnecessary gossip. If I hear any word from either of you, I’ll throw you out through that fucking window, understand?” The lady nodded and I muttered a yes.

hands. She smiled at me as

quietly, still scared of

to get

“For what?”

the clothes on the

“Dinner with the King,”

“Rogue King, you mean,”

Everyone around here

swallowed hard then


dressed before that bastard come barging at

rather eat sand than

here?” The

was kidnapped. I’m being

are you? You must be very important For Ryker to

take over our pack. If my mate stepped down for him, he would return me to him and if not…”

“Who’s your mate?”

“Darius Darkwood,”

across her eyes that I didn’t recognize. I’m sure it was

of a man. I’ve heard so much about him. I’m sure he’s making plans to bring you out of

I nodded. “Same here,”

had every hope in Darius. I



16:29 Mon, Aug 26

Chapter 103


Keep yourself alive till your mate

her. It wasn’t all that bad and

I hated the dress.

work here?” I asked her

year now. Even though he has the shittiest attitude, he pays us better

treats you okay”

and good boss perfectly well. The pay might be good but your mental health wouldn’t be. The pay might be small but you’ll be at the happiest moment of your life. Sometimes, you’re lucky to have both and other times, you’re unlucky to not have

You don’t want to know the details about that.

small smile to my face. “It ain’t. I

once she presumed I was ready or presentable. The hefty man opened the door and

“She’s ready,”

looked back at the nice lady. She had a sad smile on her face.

my blood not circulating to that side. I was in pain from how hard he was holding me. Something dark flashed across my thoughts and I gritted my


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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