Chapter 104

Angela’s POV

My wolf!

It’s been five years, if not six, since I last felt her presence within me. The day I left the pack was when I left my wolf behind as well. It was with me for a few days after I did but I ignored it so terribly I acted as though it was invisible till it actually became invisible.

My heart pounded hard and it was as if there was a ray of light amid the darkness I was in. I could cry but not right there where Ryker was.

I could see his mouth moving but I couldn’t hear the words he had to say.

“You should take a seat,” he repeated. I could see how clenched his jaws were.

“What?” I asked since my brain took a while to comprehend his words.

I was far too engrossed in my thoughts even to take a break to listen to his words. I was sad, angry, and happy at the same time.

“I SAID TAKE A FUCKING SEAT,” he growled. I let out a hiccup in fear and quickly took a seat where he pointed. I stared down at the floor without looking up at him again.

The one sight of him that I saw seconds ago was scary. His face turned into something animalistic. He was more rogue than I thought him to be.

When I heard someone placing a plate and cutlery on my table, I still didn’t look up.

##look up, Angela## my wolf commanded.

##did you see the look on his face? ## I asked.

##Don’t give him what he wants, don’t give him that satisfaction, LOOK UP##

I counted to three and at the third number, I looked up without thinking about anything. No one was sitting opposite me so I turned my head sideways to look at Ryker.

He raised an eyebrow, then smirked.

“It is such an honor to have a majestic lady like you in my palace,” Ryker praised. I could hear the sarcasm behind his words.

smile. “Did I have a choice

answer is no,


pointed at me. “That’s the problem, Princess, I don’t take no for an answer. If I don’t get a


+ 50%

Mon, Aug 26

Chapter 104

but I stared at him

man who goes after what he wants. You

He scoffed. “King Ryker,”

“We both know there’s only one king in the

said too much and I was going to die. He could just snap his finger and my head would

I respect that bonds me and your mate to a brotherhood is to honor the mate–bond of our brothers. So, keep running

could feel my heart dropping into my

how to make good use of a

I knew he was serious. He would seriously do something that terrible if not worse. When he asked me what I would be useful for in his pack, I actually

staring at it as if it grew two heads. I was famished but I could swear the food was poisoned or worse, laced with wolfsbane. I couldn’t take the risk. I could go back home after shedding some weight but I couldn’t afford to go

I could trust

asked, a fork in his mouth. I wished I could remove that

not hungry,” I

That was taught in assassination class 1 and I’m sure your mate is familiar

words and in all honesty, since I met him, he hasn’t said much.

matter how long the sentence was, it was

poison the food

was delicious but at the same time reminded me of my mom. I didn’t know how she was doing or how Brit was doing. I was holding on to the last hope within



16% Mon, Aug 26

Chapter 104

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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