“I didn’t do anything much. All I did was merge our two bloodlines. This way, my bloodline will grow stronger, and cultivation will become more effective for me. But don’t think I took advantage of you, brat. I was a virgin, untouched by any men before. Also, you were on the verge of dying back then. Had I not come to your rescue, you would’ve been dead. I saved you and used your bloodline, so we’re even now. I must admit, I’m quite lucky to have my first time with a Draconian.”

With that, Catina waved her hand, removing the shield. Rosetta was still panicking outside, unsure what to do, when she noticed the shield had disappeared and quickly dashed in.

She had already prepared for the worst. If Catina had completely sucked Jared dry, then she would give up her life as well and fight against Catina to the bitter end.

Just as she arrived inside, she was dumbfounded because she saw Jared standing before her and looking alive and well.

“You’re awake, Mr. Chance?” Rosetta was shocked.

“Yeah, I’m all fine, Ms. Lothian. Why are you here?” asked Jared, confused.

Mr. Chance. I brought you

Jared was taken aback. Then, he pointed at Catina. “What

just passing by and encountered you by

Rosetta had saved him and then bumped into Catina, who had taken advantage of

owe each other nothing. I’ll be taking

Jared. Rosetta stared at Jared in bewilderment and asked, “Do you

shook his

don’t know her, then why did she say you two don’t

the hour or so that had passed. After

before rushing out, chasing after Catina. Rosetta was puzzled as to why Jared was chasing after Catina, but she

was afraid she would encounter danger if she didn’t stick

asked with a teasing smile, “What’s the matter? Do you want another round because you didn’t have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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