Jared was flabbergasted upon hearing that. What kind of condition is that? Not only that, she even wants my baby? I’ve never even thought about having children before! I’ve spent nights with Cecilia, Astrid, Evangeline, and Hailey before, but none of them got pregnant. Wait, does this mean I’m…

He broke into a cold sweat.

He had never thought about that before, and it wasn’t until Catina brought it up that he did.

In response to Jared’s silence, Catina questioned, “What’s with the hesitation? Do you agree to my terms or not?”

Resignation was scribbled all over Jared’s countenance. He didn’t expect that he, the son of a dragon and lord of Dragon Sect, would be blackmailed by a woman like that.

Not only that, but he also had to sell his body to ensure his safety.

“Fine, I agree to your terms. I will sleep with you every night…” Jared nodded helplessly.

assistance, and he was confident Pablo was still alive, which meant it would only be a matter of time before the latter

him possessing the Divine Bow leaked out, more foes would flock to him. While Hamish, Misho, and the others could aid him,

Level Tribulator cultivator. If she faced Pablo, she would stand a chance

smiled faintly.

Mr. Chance?” At that moment, Rosetta caught up to Jared, panting. When she saw Rosetta,

I promised Mr. Lothian to take care of his daughter. I won’t abandon Ms. Lothian.” Jared shook his head, refusing to

then it was unlikely Rosetta would survive

didn’t realize you were a man of your word. Very well, then. She can follow us. But you’ll have to sleep with

checked his body’s condition, and nodded. “Fine. I’m not afraid.” With how things have turned out, I doubt that’ll make a difference. Rosetta was startled upon hearing that exchange. “What does she mean by that, Mr.

close to me and don’t run around blindly,” said

Rosetta nodded. “Okay!”

up to luck

more relaxed because he didn’t

he thought being a sugar baby wasn’t all

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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