Rosetta and Catina trailed behind Jared. After traveling a little longer, they heard the buzzing sound of an arcane array.

Pillars of light materialized above the earth, converging in a radiant spectacle before ascending toward the heavens. Immediately after that, Jared saw a gigantic tree emerging from the ground.

In the blink of an eye, a dense patch of forest vanished, replaced by a humongous tree. The area surrounding the tree was burnt, utterly barren. It was as though all the nutrients in the soil had been absorbed by that tree.

The tree bore the marks of time, its leaves dry and withered, hinting at a state of decline. However, there were a few apple-sized fruits on its branches, and they seemed flawless and delectable.

It seemed as if the tree had poured all its energy into nurturing its dozen fruits, so much so that it appeared to have forsaken the rest of its form.

laid his hand on the trunk. Thick celestial energy instantly flowed into his body. It was a celestial tree surging with celestial energy, forming the

here with many celestial fruits! We’ve truly hit the jackpot!” Jared

her gaze upon the massive tree before her, surprised and confused. “How come we didn’t notice this tree earlier? It’s humongous enough that we could’ve seen it, but we only

tree before, and they intentionally conjured an illusion,

to conjure an illusion


the name of this tree? And what are the fruits on its branches?” asked

sensitivity to the environment. If Tribulator cultivators like us consume a spiritual fruit,

powerful?” Excitement

Rosetta gleefully. After all, Jared had already opened his nascence space and possessed multiple types of nascence. The

was different

Mr. Chance,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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