Suppressing her rage, Feenix left the celestial ore mine and arrived by Jared’s side.

“What did you find, Feenix? Did you locate the two of them?” asked Jared.

Feenix nodded wordlessly.

Seeing her expression, Jared frowned, a bad feeling swelling in him.

“Tell me, what happened to them?” asked Jared urgently.

“The people from Bulrush Sect… They’re monsters, Master. Every last one of them. Kiara and Izolda were tortured and ruined by them…” Feenix sobbed.

Jared was stunned for a moment. Then, his eyes turned crimson red, wrath boiling within his chest.

However, he didn’t lose his rationality. He knew that if he charged into the mine recklessly, not only would he fail to save Kiara and Izolda, but he might even put them in danger.

While they had been sexually assaulted, their lives weren’t in danger at that moment.

It’ll be too late by the time Catina returns with aid. Feenix and I must rescue

what did you see the

them are transporting celestial ores while others are cultivating

together, or

and Ruby Sect disciples tended to cultivate together, it was only for their own

were only working together

ores separately. I don’t think they’re cooperating,”

to hearing that, Jared had an idea.

dug this out in the cave. Remember, only hand the Stillwind Orb to the head of Ruby Sect. Don’t pass it to anyone

magical item, though, Master. How can you give it to

Sect and Ruby Sect. Once

Feenix nodded and grabbed the

less effort. However, if he didn’t bet a remarkable magical item on his


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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