Natasha and Anders hastily strode out of the cave. Anders grabbed a disciple of Bulrush Sect and demanded, “What’s going on here? Is someone here to occupy the celestial ore mine?”

“That’s not it, Mr. Hendley. Someone dug out a precious orb that’s likely a rare treasure!” the disciple answered.

When Anders heard that, he quickly headed in the direction everyone was hurrying in, and Natasha followed suit.

At the heart of the celestial ore mine, a disciple of Ruby Sect was reasoning with the disciples of Bulrush Sect with the Stillwind Orb in hand.

“It was a disciple of Ruby Sect who found this precious orb. Why should we give it to you?”

At that, a lanky disciple of Bulrush Sect declared, “We were the ones who discovered this entire celestial ore mine, so everything in here is naturally ours. Hurry up and hand it over.”

“Exactly! It’s ours, so hurry up and hand it over!”

“Hand it over! Otherwise, we’ll resort to force!”

All the disciples of Bulrush Sect chorused in agreement. The disciples of Ruby Sect did not back down either, each retorting loudly, “It belongs to whoever found it. Why should we give it to you?”

“We were the ones who found it, yet you want to snatch it away?”

Sect as easy

and Ruby Sect were on the verge

“Everyone, shut up!”

Natasha happened to arrive just then. They ordered the crowd to cease making

this precious orb was found by a disciple

Not only could she

Stillwind Orb, she knew it had to be a magical iten since it was found in the

the sight of the Stillwind Orb in Natasha’s hand. He hurriedly uttered, “Let me see what kind of

he reached out to take it. However, Natasha dodged and put the Stillwind

Anders’ expression promptly turned

that I was the one who first found the entire celestial ore mine before calling you and your disciples over. Bulrush Sect should have priority over the magical items found in

Besides, this celestial ore mine is

and his aura grew in intensity. Perceiving that, Natasha did the

Fuller. Is it worth making an enemy out of me for an orb you don’t

it’s worth

then don’t blame me for showing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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