The battle in the mine attracted those outside to join in the fray. Amidst the chaos, Jared slipped into the celestial ore mine. Feenix quickly broke free from the battlefield and headed toward Izolda and Kiara.

“Izolda! Kiara!” she called out softly. The two girls were confined within an arcane array, and she had no way of breaking it.

Hearing someone calling their names, Izolda and Kiara slowly opened their eyes. When they laid eyes on Feenix, excitement brimmed in their eyes, and they both cried.

“Don’t make any noise or get excited. I’ll figure out a way to save you two,” Feenix comforted them and urged them not to be overly emotional.

Soon, Jared’s figure appeared, and she hastily called him over. The instant he saw Izolda and Kiara in a pathetic state, murder blazed hotly in his eyes. The two girls had been violated so badly that they were almost unrecognizable at that moment.

He could not even bring himself to imagine the exact torture they had experienced.

“There’s an arcane array confining them, Master. Can you break it?” Feenix asked Jared.

arcane array a cursory glance before

arcane arrays would find it beyond difficult

arcane array had been dismantled, Jared and Feenix swiftly supported Izolda and Kiara away from

battling fervently in the celestial ore mine for the Stillwind Orb right then, so no one

left the celestial ore mine did they breathe a long

two away, Feenix. I’ll stay and

“Let’s leave together, Master.”

the celestial ore mine again to

the two of them.

could make his move without restraint. No matter what, he was determined to have all of Bulrush Sect pay for

Kiara. Jared stood quietly outside

them with a strike

mine was drawing to an end. Ruby Sect was gradually losing “Hurry up and leave, Ms. Fuller. We’ll cover your back!” three

injured then, and she would definitely lose if she continued fighting. She

“Where are you going?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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