“How dare you make a move against me when you’re no more than a First Level Tribulator cultivator? Are you sick of living?”

Natasha shot daggers at Jared, but she did not make a move against him. She knew that Anders was hot on her heels, so she could not waste time with Jared.

After threatening the latter, she leaped up to continue fleeing. Unexpectedly, Jared did the same. In a split second, an arc of light manifested from Dragonslayer Sword, stopping her from leaving.

“You asked for it, brat!”

Enraged, Natasha moved to attack Jared. Before she could do so, however, Anders had already caught up with her. At the sight of him, she could only switch her focus to him.

Anders could tell that Jared had helped him stop Natasha from leaving, so he smiled and said, “Thank you for lending me a hand in stopping her, buddy. When I’ve killed her later, I’ll give you some celestial ore as thanks.”

his icy gaze to Natasha and drawled, “You

the precious orb over, and I’ll spare you in view that we’ve cultivated

whoever has it in hand. If you want to take it from me,

like you’re determined to do things the hard

took out a black token from his pocket before chanting, “Heaven and earth

his body into the token. That sight almost had Natasha grind

That was

out the token in his hand, Anders let out a series

kept expanding until it actually eclipsed the sun in

beams of light. Alas, nothing happened when they

her face, and she backed away relentlessly to dodge the token’s attack. Unfortunately, once she retreated, Jared swung Dragonslayer Sword in his

of his Stillwind Orb. Never would he allow anyone to

the situation, she promptly cursed furiously, “I’m going

make a move against him, the token had already reached her. Failing to dodge in

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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