“You know such magecraft?” Jared turned to Catina in surprise.

“I know loads of things. You don’t understand me all that well yet.”

Having said that, Catina went over to Izolda and Kiara, who had passed out. She slowly opened her mouth, upon which a bright red orb floated out.

The orb spun above Izolda’s and Kiara’s heads while she placed her hands on them. A flash of red light enveloped the two girls. Catina’s body trembled slightly, and her forehead was dotted with sweat.

Noticing her state, Feenix remarked, “Master, it takes a lot of effort to use Soulslayer Technique, much less performing it on two people right now. Catina will likely need to find a place to recuperate when she’s done.”

After hearing that, Jared inexorably turned his gaze to Catina. His impression of her also improved considerably. Initially, he was very much discomfited at being forced to do the horizontal exercise with her all day.

it when he still needed her help at present. Right then, however, his opinion of

they were together. A moment later, two strands of black energy surged out of

swallowed the orb again before she

never come back in their lifetimes. So long as they don’t see this place, they should not recover that memory, and their lives won’t be affected in the future,” Catina stated

to their knees with gratitude etched across their features. “Thank

Catina hurriedly helped them both up. Misho and Hamish scooped Izolda and Kiara up before bidding

leave the Celestial Battlefield. To them, any magical item paled in comparison to family. The few of the cultivators who came with them and had survived

with their paltry capabilities in the Celestial Battlefield. Furthermore, they

on magical items, they likely would not be able

Ethereal Realm was

and the others. This place is too dangerous, and I won’t be able to protect you both in the face of danger. Ms. Lothian, please tell Mr. Lothian after you go out that I’ll share part of the things I obtained in the Celestial

help to remain fearless against Pablo’s threat. Therefore, he had no way of

remain in

train, but the cruelty unfolding in the Celestial Battlefield then had gone beyond Igor’s

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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