“What’s your relationship with this brat, Fox Queen? Why is he so concerned about you?” Monkey Archon asked Catina.

A frown marred Catina’s countenance. “What has my relationship with him got to do with you, Monkey Archon? Get away from me. Our relationship is whatever we want it to be.”

Wearing a furious expression, Monkey Archon hissed through gritted teeth, “Why are you so indiscriminate, you w*nch? How could you be intimate with a mere First Level Tribulator cultivator?”

After he said that, he shot Jared a glare and barked, “Get away right this instant, brat! You’re not allowed to pester Fox Queen anymore. She’s my woman.”

“What the hell are you saying, you damn monkey? Who’s your woman? Do you have no shame?” Never had Catina expected him to make such a claim.

“You are my woman. I’ve decided on you, and no one is allowed to touch you. I’m going to kill this brat right now. We’ll see who else you’ll seek out at that time.”

aura burst forth, and he shot his hand out at Jared. Catina had fury written all over her face. Her aura likewise burst forth, but she

of Monkey Archon’s Seventh Level Tribulator aura in his wrath, Jared frowned and activated

pieces of golden scales blanketed his entire body. Monkey Archon was slightly

you damn well see

was about to strike the latter, a sudden feminine cry rang out, and Feenix jetted a stream of flames

retreated with terror on his face. The instant he made

“F-Feenix?” he ventured, trembling.

you! How dare you attack my master? I’m going to

and smacked

Monkey Archon did not dare retaliate after suffering that slap from her but dodged

Jared was promptly dumbfounded. After all, Monkey Archon was a Seventh Level Tribulator cultivator, whereas Feenix was merely at Body

dodged and dared not retaliate

explained, “That stupid monkey was often picked on by Feenix in the past. Before he became Monkey Archon, she used to ride him all the time. Back then, she was someone the beast race looked up to. It was also because she always mounted him around and taught him many techniques

was promptly tickled pink, It turns out that there’s such a past between Feenix and this Monkey Archon. Well, it looks like I made the right decision in having her stay

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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