Upon witnessing the situation, Skylar immediately grasped the truth. It seemed that the lion-tiger beast had territorial limitations and was unable to leave that specific area. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have halted its pursuit every time it chased him to that point!

After considering these facts, Skylar felt relieved. Meanwhile, Cameron had already turned pale at that moment, overwhelmed with fear. Letting out two roars, the lion-tiger beast swiftly retreated!

Skylar regretted not being able to slay Jared on the spot. However, with Jared encased in ice and the lion-tiger beast returning, Jared’s survival was undoubtedly impossible!

Although he couldn’t personally exact revenge on Jared, he still considered it a form of retribution!

With these thoughts in mind, Skylar was filled with excitement!

“Bring that technique over here. I want to take a look,” Skylar exclaimed. Cameron nodded, handing over the martial arts documentation device to Skylar.

Taking hold of it, Skylar infused a stream of aura into it!

Skylar’s surprise, the documentation device remained

spiritual energy once again. Yet, the martial arts documentation device still showed

Skylar said, his


documentation device couldn’t be opened, making it impossible to see its

Cameron suggested. He also infused a stream of spiritual energy, but

filled with marked aura. It’s quite possible that this is a martial arts documentation device belonging to the

suggesting that the technique could very well be from the demons. Given that it was a demon’s technique, it would

directly unleash his marked aura as doing so would completely expose

Skylar still couldn’t reveal himself. After all, he was in the Ethereal Realm, and he hadn’t

and even had people gathering various resources for him. Living like an emperor, Skylar didn’t want his identity to be discovered

see if that lion- tiger beast makes any more moves. I’ll try to unlock the technique. If I can’t,

not daring to refute his elder’s

documentation device, leaped into the air. He hovered

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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