In the area illuminated by the golden light, all the frozen ice had melted away!

Both Feenix and Catina had also regained consciousness!

Unfortunately, the disciples of the Norton family had been completely destroyed by the lion-tiger beast. Even if the ice had thawed, there was no hope of them coming back to life!



Feenix and Catina hurriedly rushed to Jared’s side!

As they gazed at the spirit beast egg in front of them, shimmering with a golden glow, both Feenix and Catina were filled with astonishment!

The spirit beast egg continued to float towards the lion-tiger beast. The lion-tiger beast, which had just been ferocious, was now retreating in fear, resembling a frightened puppy!

Eventually, it collapsed onto the ground, emitting a series of low growls, seemingly begging for mercy!

spirit beast egg floated up and landed heavily on the head of the

egg, cried out in pain, but

and the others were completely stunned by this

that the fierce lion- tiger beast would

intended to retrieve the spirit beast egg, not wanting it to provoke the lion- tiger beast any further. If they truly angered the lion-tiger beast, they would likely suffer

even approach, the spirit beast egg struck the lion-tiger

through the air. A white mist, as cold as ice,

this, Jared and his companions were frightened and

beast egg

it wasn’t afraid of the lion- tiger

roared for a while, its body suddenly convulsed. Then, with a swift opening of its

expelling the beast core, the lion-tiger creature laid back down on the ground, its face displaying a look


spirit beast egg, cautiously

ground, Jared dared to reach out and

hastily retreated, with the spirit beast egg

hand with an excited expression. That


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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