Jared had more or less grasped the concept. It seems this frost flame is quite valuable!

“Since this is a type of flame, then it’s easy to handle!”

After all, Jared possessed fire nascence. All he needed to do was absorb the fire nascence and convert it into his own nascence power.

Jared extended his hand, and the beast core slowly dispersed in his palm, a cluster of frost flame pulsating within his grasp!

Gazing at the frost flame in his palm, Jared astonishingly opened his mouth and swallowed it whole!

Upon witnessing Jared’s method of absorption, Catina couldn’t help but be astounded. She knew that ordinary cultivators wouldn’t dare to absorb in such a manner!

The frost flame penetrated Jared’s body, surging wildly within him. In response, Jared released fire nascence, initiating the fusion with the frost flame!

His nascence space was unveiled, with the spark of fire nascence continuously radiating its brilliance. Immense forces of attraction were at work, absorbing the rampant frost flames!

just a matter of minutes, Jared had completely refined the frost flame, causing the spark of fire nascence to

flick of Jared’s wrist, a burst of flame shot out instantly, causing a section of the stone wall to

to melt and drip, Jared had a thought, and astonishingly, the melting stone was

transformed into a liquid state,

into excited laughter. He had never imagined that something

everything, yet frost flame could freeze all in its path. If Jared desired something, he could use

demonic fire was used, everything would be burnt to ashes, and then there would be nothing left to

that moment, Jared was overjoyed beyond measure. He watched the pulsating spirit beast egg in front of him, reached out directly to grasp it, and then

the egg. Not only had it subdued the lion-tiger beast, but it had even made the lion-tiger beast willingly spit out its

consciousness had penetrated the spirit beast egg,

was inside the spirit beast egg, and out of fright,

want the people around him to be attracted by that brilliance, lest he become the target of all, pursued

Jared and asked, “What

shook his head. “I don’t

is quite unique, but why do

his storage ring! Catina was also of the beast race, so upon seeing the spirit beast

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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