“Die!” A cold glint flashed across Pablo’s eyes as he suddenly unleashed a powerful stroke of his sword!

The sword’s radiance extended over ten meters, and wherever the sword’s energy passed, space instantly collapsed. Jared stared at the sword energy, his face turning extremely grim!

At that moment, his Golem Body had already shattered, and he was injured. He was likely unable to withstand that sword strike!

If the Celestial Devourer could have come out to help, perhaps Jared might have been able to hold on!

However, the Celestial Devourer was sound asleep, seemingly indifferent to Jared’s life or death!

Jared had no choice but to draw the Divine Bow once again. With the black mist no longer obscuring his view, the moment he drew the bow, countless points of light surged toward him from all directions, subsequently coalescing into a multitude of light arrows!

Yet, before Jared could even release those light arrows, he sensed four terrifying presences rapidly approaching from behind him!

Immediately following, four streams of energy collided with Pablo’s sword energy in an instant!


color, and all the trees within a

steps. Four figures emerged from the distance, gradually drawing closer, and landed beside

Archon and his companions,

jointly blocked a strike from Pablo, they did not make a move, nor did they even glance at Pablo. Instead,

drawn the Divine Bow in

stared in shock, their jaws nearly

possession. What was even more surprising was that Jared was capable of using the Divine

a First Level Tribulator cultivator, could actually wield the Divine Bow, which was astounding to

a little. He slowly released the Divine Bow, and

in the eyes of those four individuals made Jared realize that those fellows had not come

was always protecting him. She must have known that he possessed the Divine Bow. That’s why she

was out of line, not even bothering to inform us. It seems she wants to keep everything to herself, doesn’t she?” Leopard King was also somewhat

individuals coveting the Divine Bow in Jared’s possession, felt a slight sense of relief. As long as these four weren’t

individuals only possessed the strength of Seventh Level Tribulator cultivators, even Pablo would find it hard to

if they really teamed up against

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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