“Enough arguing. Let this lad hand over the Divine Bow. Once I have it, there will be no more disputes,” spoke the Thousand-Faced Demon Archon.

After the Thousand-Faced Demon Archon spoke, Lion Archon and the others exchanged glances, but remained silent.

Jared observed the four individuals, realizing that they were after his Divine Bow. Their intervention to save him earlier was also for the sake of the Divine Bow.

“Kid, hand over the Divine Bow to me. Considering your connection with Catina, we can ensure your safety,” Thousand-Faced Demon Archon said to Jared.

On the side, Pablo frowned slightly, but he didn’t dare to say much at that moment.

All he could do was silently pray, hoping that Jared would be reluctant to hand over the Divine Bow, which would then lead to a conflict between the two parties.

By then, he could watch safely while others fought, and he might even benefit from their conflict.

Jared gazed at the four menacing figures, then shifted his attention to Thousand-Faced Demon Archon, who was confident of his impending victory. Clutching the Divine Bow tightly, Jared retorted, “This Divine Bow is mine. Why should I hand it over to you?”

taken aback. He had never imagined that

to speak to them in such

seeking death, brat? Hand over the Divine Bow and your life can be spared. Are you willing to risk your life for this Divine Bow?” Lion Archon asked Jared with

divine weapon. However, what use

nonsense, and believe me, I won’t hesitate to kill you. Once you’re dead, this Divine Bow will be ours,” Leopard King stared at

he alone knew that Jared’s involvement with Feenix was no

and Catina were no longer

capable, come and snatch it yourself. If you think I’ll just hand over the Divine Bow to you, you’re sorely mistaken. Even if I were to destroy the Divine

little brat!” Lion Archon and Leopard King erupted

of their Seventh Level Tribulator cultivation

weak. Under the simultaneous pressure from Lion Archon and Leopard

knelt heavily on the ground, creating a

wore an expression of icy coldness. He hadn’t expected that Jared would actually risk falling out with

Jared was courting his own death, there was no need for him to lift

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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