Helmut was well aware of his own wrongdoing. His face darkened as he said, “This man killed my disciple. How could I possibly let him go-

“Mr. Koritnik, the matters of the Celestial Battlefield should not be brought to Demonia Mountain. Since we have established rules together, you cannot take action within my Creston Sect. Once you leave my Creston Sect, you can fight however you want. I won’t interfere. However, you can’t fight here. If you insist on taking action, then don’t blame us for not being polite,” Artan of Creston Sect spoke with great displeasure!

“Helmut, your actions against the younger generation here, indeed, lack decorum.”

“You were present when the rules were established. How could you break them yourself?”

“Indeed, what you did was a bit excessive. If you resort to violence again, we won’t be so polite.”

Several people behind Artan also began to point fingers and accuse Helmut!

Helmut’s face darkened. He snorted coldly and said, “Hmph. You all are playing saints now, but when your disciples are killed, I wonder if you can still maintain such sanctity.”

After Helmut finished speaking, he turned to Jared and said, “Young man, just you wait…”

speaking, Helmut turned

people behind Artan, then turned to Igor

hint of envy, Igor said, “Oh, they are all from the Five Great Sects near Demonia Mountain. The five sects also have disciples who have entered the Celestial Battlefield, so they are waiting. It’s likely that the Five Great Sects reaped significant benefits this time.

Elites had already been killed by Pablo. What benefits could there possibly be left to

must have been tired from the battles in the Celestial Battlefield these past few days. Let’s let him

and the others toward the

companions had left Creston Sect, a figure suddenly darted

had thought that Helmut would

who was by Jared’s side, leaped up, striking that figure with

A figure shouted out, and

out that Xanthus had hurriedly rushed

Chance, you’ve finally emerged. I… I believe the poison is about to take effect. I beg you, Mr.

turned out Xanthus had been waiting for Jared all along. Jared had poisoned him, and without an antidote, he was doomed

give you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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