“Mr. Chance, dealing with the Demon Seal Alliance is going to be troublesome. It seems you’ll have to be more cautious in the future,” Dalton advised Jared.

Ever since Dalton encountered members of the Demon Seal Alliance at Night Sea, he knew that Jared’s association with them would inevitably lead to hostility.

“Don’t worry. If the Demon Seal Alliance dares to provoke me, I won’t show then any mercy,” Jared replied nonchalantly.

Jared and his companions continued their journey towards Blood Spirit Valley. However, shortly after they set off, the sky suddenly darkened. Massive black clouds began to gather over a specific area.

Looking up at the continuously accumulating dark clouds, Rosetta exclaimed, “Isn’t that the place where Montane Daemon resides? Could that be a lightning tribulation cloud?”

Dalton also glanced up and remarked, “Since when does a lightning tribulation cloud look like this? Even though we are Demonic Cultivators and face heavenly thunder tribulations during our breakthroughs, it has never been this kind

of black cloud!” Igor grimaced as he watched the dark clouds gathering.

“Oh no. That’s the demonic tribulation cloud. Mr. Daemon is in danger!” Igor said with furrowed brows.

tribulation cloud? What is that?” Jared asked,

there’s a slim chance we might encounter the demonic tribulation cloud. This cloud possesses immense power, making it incredibly difficult to overcome. However, there is an advantage. After surviving it, one’s strength would significantly surpass those at the same level. But over the years, I’ve never heard of anyone

Today, I’ve finally seen it,” Catina added, lifting her head

a look,” Jared said, his brows

stand by and watch someone die. He had to go and see what was really

Chance, it’s dangerous. You can’t go

cloud is extremely powerful!” Igor shouted. Seeing that Jared had already run far away, Igor could only instruct Coby and Dalton, “You two wait here. Don’t get any closer.

Daemon’s dwelling. Catina also leaped up and followed them, leaving Feenix and Cloud

and she wanted to prevent them from being harmed

companions made their way towards Montane Daemon’s dwelling, the latter slowly opened his eyes.

tribulation cloud. However, it’s a pity. I fear I might not be able to withstand it. This is my fate,” Montane Daemon’s

At that moment,

However, his face quickly filled with anxiety as he said, “Mr. Chance, you must leave immediately. This place is far too dangerous. The lightning tribulation is about to strike, and when it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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