Montane Daemon observed the situation and realized that Jared couldn’t leave. He could only concentrate silently, gathering the strongest radiance throughout his body.

The two of them waited quietly for the third heavenly tribulation.

Meanwhile, not far from Jared, Xavion and Zayan were waiting for Jared to emerge from the Celestial Battlefield.

Xavion looked at the accumulating dark clouds in the nearby sky and asked, “Mr. Cabaza, do you see the anomaly in the distant sky? Could there be a powerful demon lord appearing? Even from this distance, I can sense a terrifying aura.”

Zayan glanced at it and calmly explained, “Mr. Xavion, that’s the demonic tribulation cloud. It means a demon cultivator is breaking through. However, summoning the demonic tribulation cloud indicates that their life is nearing its end. Not everyone can withstand the power of the demonic tribulation cloud.”

Xavion was immediately intrigued and suggested, “Let’s go and check it out!”

Zayan quickly advised, “Mr. Xavion, it would be best if we avoid these lands of the demon cultivators. They don’t usually appreciate the presence of the Demon Seal Alliance.”

“Mr. Cabeza, what are you afraid of? This time, the Demon Seal Alliance has brought so many people. We don’t need to fear those demon cultivators. If they show any disrespect, we can just capture them all. If those demon cultivators dare to be rude to us, we’ll apprehend them directly.”

take the

many members joined the Demon Seal Alliance, giving

they had this many people from the beginning, he wouldn’t have tolerated leaving the

say, “Mr. Xavion, we can only

“I know!” Xavion nodded.

as Xavion and his group were about to set off toward the accumulating demonic tribulation cloud, Xanthus

to find people from the Soulless Hall, and you couldn’t even

no respect for these demon cultivators in the Demon Seal Alliance. After all, they were captured

I was

his head low, but in his heart, he

Fabrizio, is that the demonic tribulation cloud, a rare

imminent. Very few can withstand three rounds of lightning tribulations under the demon tribulation cloud. If they

this, Xanthus immediately quickened

others could only closely

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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