“Master, Master…” Feenix called out for Jared. The recent third heavenly tribulation was incredibly terrifying, and she was unsure of Jared’s condition.

“Feenix, please calm down. Jared should be alright. The fact that the demonic tribulation cloud is still present means they are still alive,” Catina reassured Feenix.

However, Igor and the others wore solemn expressions, knowing that this was only the third heavenly tribulation. Even if Jared and Montane Daemon survived this one, it would be challenging to endure the ones that followed.

“Mr. Daemon, Mr. Daemon…”

After the third heavenly tribulation, Jared appeared extremely pale as he coughed up a mouthful of blood.

Montane Daemon was covered in wounds, his eyes tightly shut and his complexion pale.

In response to Jared’s call, Montane Daemon slowly opened his eyes and weakly said, “Mr. Chance, you… you should leave quickly. We simply cannot endure this. I have never heard of anyone being able to withstand the demonic tribulation cloud…”

“Mr. Daemon, I cannot escape either. But until the very last moment, I hope you won’t give up. Even in death, you will have my company. Stay strong, Mr. Daemon. We may be struck dead by the lightning tribulation, but we must

he said, “You’re right, Mr. Chance. We

vitality. Although both he and Jared’s internal energy were extremely weak, neither of

quietly awaited the onslaught of the fourth lightning tribulation, their faces devoid of any trace

just ahead. Let’s hurry

the approaching demonic tribulation cloud, growing somewhat


is coming…”

vulnerable time. If these people were here to deal with Jared, it

hearing that someone was approaching, Feenix, Catina, and the others became alert. Soon, Xavion and his group arrived.

people, there was

more unsightly. Igor knew that these individuals were from the

politely, “Fellow cultivators, I have a friend undergoing a tribulation here. May I

instead stared intently at Feenix. At the

always had a wandering eye

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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