Zayan swiftly dodged, and the sword aura crashed down, leaving a deep trench in the ground. Zayan’s expression darkened. It was evident that Jared was inside that building!

Igor stood up and pointed his sword at Zayan, declaring, “As long as I’m here, you won’t harm Mr. Chance. This place is not where members of the Demon Seal Alliance can act recklessly.”

Zayan sneered, “So you finally admit it, but with your limited abilities, can you stop us?”

With a cold smile, Zayan reached into the void and summoned the Sky-Piercing Baton into his hands. He swung it, and a myriad of radiance flickered as a formidable aura surged towards Igor.

Igor’s face became solemn, his sword emitting a gleaming light as he struck continuously. However, Igor was continuously forced to retreat, directly suppressed by Zayan. It seemed that Igor’s strength was somewhat inferior to Zayan’s!



became anxious. On the other hand, Catina swiftly flicked the long whip in her hand and

joining the battle. The presence of Catina’s family


of the Demon Seal Alliance rushed forward. Upon seeing the situation, Feenix and others also charged into

the situation and slipped

you’re capable enough

and Catina. Following closely, the Sky-Piercing Baton descended, resembling a plummeting

the Demon Seal Alliance. Igor’s brow furrowed as he

trembled. A tremendous force coursed through it, surging into

coldly and headed towards the nearby

roar, his sword’s light once again soaring

stand by and watch Jared in danger. Jared had already saved his own daughter twice. Even if it cost him his life, Igor was determined to stop Zayan. And just at that moment,

tribulation, everyone engaged in the fight was thrown out by a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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