Furthermore, nestled in the valley were numerous buildings where members of the beast race lived harmoniously.

Who could have anticipated that such a picturesque place would transform into a realm of eerie silence as one ventured deeper?

“Spirit Beast Valley is truly remarkable. Who would have thought that Lion Archon, that brute, could actually oversee such a splendid place!” Feenix exclaimed in admiration upon seeing Spirit Beast Valley.

“It is precisely because of Lion Archon’s rough temperament that he is able to effectively manage the beast race living here,” Catina said with a laugh, explaining the reason behind it.

Upon hearing Catina’s explanation, Jared also grasped the underlying meaning.

Every race harbored hidden tensions. As the saying goes, the benevolent do not wield weapons, and the righteous do not control wealth. The three kings and four archons each had their own unique methods of governance.

“Who are you all?” several figures suddenly appeared as Jared and his companions descended, questioning them with stern expressions.

Spirit Beast Valley? Is Lion Archon still present?”

superiority. After all, even Lion Archon had to

only at the Body Fusion Realm, and these Spirit Beast Valley

Realm cultivator and hearing

come from, daring to address our Lion Archon in such a manner? This is asking

This greatly offended Feenix.

who stood to the side, furrowed

a hint of her Seventh Level Tribulator aura, the guards turned pale. They fell to the

filled with panic, and they were at a loss

Archon present? Who is currently in charge of Spirit Beast Valley? Bring him out immediately!” Catina

apologize. It is our fault for not

present, so Mr. Grelamin is currently overseeing Spirit Beast

After all, Catina held a position of great importance, similar to their Lion Archon. As mere guards, they

the situation. After a short wait, several figures swiftly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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