“What do you mean by ‘unspeakable difficulties?’ It seems like you’re just unwilling to give me one. If Lion Archon were here and I asked him for a telepathic beast, he wouldn’t dare refuse!” Catina retorted angrily.

“Fox Queen, we truly have no other choice. It’s not that we’re unwilling to give it to you…” Evindal replied anxiously.

Just as Catina was about to continue her tirade, Jared interjected, “Mr. Grelamin, is there something troubling you here in Spirit Beast Valley? If it’s convenient, you can share it with us. With Lion Archon absent, if there’s any way we can assist, we certainly will.”

Evindal glanced at Jared. Since he didn’t know who Jared was, he remained silent.

Catina pointed at Jared and said, “This is Mr. Chance, a man whom even Lion Archon has to respect. He is the son of a dragon.”

As Catina introduced him, Jared subtly emanated waves of draconic energy.

Sensing the draconic energy within Jared, Evindal and the others were clearly taken aback before they became very respectful. Evindal said, “Mr. Chance, we are indeed having trouble. Please, come inside. Don’t stand here any longer!”

the son of a dragon, Evindal respectfully welcomed Jared and his

is quite useful. Despite my status, they didn’t even

“When I have some free time, I’ll merge with you, elevating

frequency in the future. You know what? Let’s find a place to merge

his hands. “I

hurriedly moved a distance away

that’s enough. You’re going to exhaust Master. He hasn’t even spent

you jealous, Feenix?

Catina burst into laughter.

others before he, along with Jared and the other two, traversed through the layers of buildings in Spirit Beast


lethal intent filled

to Phantom Valley? We came for a telepathic beast, so why are you taking us to Phantom Valley?” Catina sensed that something was amiss, so

replied indifferently.

the surrounding flowers and plants completely vanished. Before Jared and his companions was a vast expanse of white. These

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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