Meanwhile, a group of cultivators was slowly making their way towards the Spirit Beast Valley.

A man and a woman were leading the group.

“How could Elder Fabrizio betray us like this? It has left our master in such distress. We must capture Elder Fabrizio to resolve this. Mr. Cabeza of the Demon Seal Alliance has already made it clear. If we don’t capture Elder Fabrizio, he will have all of us in the Soulless Hall killed!” the woman, dressed in a black gown, said to the man in black standing beside her.

“How can I know? Now, our only hope lies with the telepathic beasts from the Spirit Beast Valley. I’ve heard that they are extremely sensitive to auras. Hopefully, they can help us find Elder Fabrizio. Otherwise, the Soulless Hall is truly doomed,” the man in black sighed.

“Halt! Who are you people?”

Just as the Demonic Cultivators reached the entrance of the valley, they were abruptly stopped by the people of the Spirit Beast Valley.

“We are from the Soulless Hall. We have come specifically to visit, hoping to purchase some spirit beasts,” Zander Everbleed, the man in black, said politely.

The guard glanced over, then said, “Just a moment…”

the guard

by selling spirit beasts to Demonic Cultivators or human cultivators. After all, taming a spirit

provide them with a large

observing the telepathic beast, when a guard hurriedly

there are people from the Soulless Hall who claim they have come to purchase spirit

“Are they Demonic Cultivators? I don’t


ahead and invite them

this part of Demonia Mountain, Demonic Cultivators were not targeted, so

the Soulless Hall were

the Soulless Hall. We have come to the Spirit Beast

beast are you looking to purchase? As long as we

beast…” Zander replied

“Telepathic beast?”

hearing this, Evindal immediately furrowed his brows. The telepathic beasts had all died, leaving only one mother and its cub. He couldn’t possibly sell them. Evindal had not expected the telepathic beasts to suddenly become so desirable

telepathic beasts from the Spirit Beast

face turned cold. “What, are you afraid we can’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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