Evindal led the Demonic Cultivators into the cave of the telepathic beasts. Upon seeing the two telepathic beasts, they were filled with excitement.

“So this is a telepathic beast. It seems rather dull-witted. Is it truly sensitive to aura?” Mayze asked.

“It has just given birth. You mustn’t get too close…”

Evindal quickly raised his voice to prevent Mayze from approaching. However, Mayze charged forward and grabbed the mini telepathic beast.

“Stop! What are you doing?”

Evindal was greatly alarmed and hurried to stop her.

A cold glint appeared in Zander’s eyes. “This telepathic beast is now ours. If you dare to stop us, it will cost you your life.”

Having said that, he moved to strike Evindal.

was greatly taken aback. He hadn’t anticipated that the Demonic Cultivators would dare to brazenly snatch the telepathic

had already seized the mini

let’s go…”

people of the Soulless Hall began to rush out of

“Stop them!” Evindal roared.

Valley promptly took action. However, the Demonic Cultivators from the Soulless Hall were clearly much stronger. Many cultivators from the Spirit Beast Valley were knocked to the ground one

Cultivators were about to break out of the Spirit Beast Valley, three figures appeared. One of

deafening sound, and countless fist shadows directly

forward and threw a punch at

pierced the heavens, followed by an overwhelming wave

steps back. Upon seeing

I can let you go.” Jared looked

When they saw that Jared was only a First Level Tribulator cultivator,

Sixth Level Tribulator cultivator. In the Soulless Hall,

back three steps by a single strike from a cultivator who had just reached

teeth as he said, “Get out of my way or I’ll kill

“Such a big talker…”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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