“This adorable mini telepathic beast…”

On the way back to Blood Spirit Valley, Feenix cradled the mini telepathic beast in her arms, unwilling to let it go due to her affection for it.

Because of their shared beast lineage, the mini telepathic beast had developed a strong fondness for Feenix, enjoying her pampering.

*Blood Spirit Valley is just ahead. If I had known earlier, I would have taken Cloud’s airship. This way of traveling is too exhausting…”

Jared was momentarily speechless. The back- and-forth journey had drained a significant amount of his spiritual energy.

Jared’s words had barely left his lips when the previously docile mini telepathic beast suddenly let out a loud cry in Feenix’s arms and jumped onto the ground.

Its eyes were filled with a mix of anger and panic as it continuously swished its tail in a specific direction.

Upon noticing the unusual behavior of the mini telepathic beast, Jared and his companions quickly halted their progress.

to the telepathic beast?” Catina

utterly bewildered,

situation, Jared immediately expanded his spiritual sense

he was immediately detected by the other party. Zander turned to Hanes and said, “Master, someone is probing with their

know, but the other party isn’t powerful. There’s no need to

not at all intimidated. The other party’s spiritual

that moment, Jared’s brow furrowed slightly. “Someone’s coming.

“What should we do?”

mini telepathic beast, fearing that the men from Soulless Hall would snatch it away at

we get back to Blood Spirit

now was not the time to encounter those from the Soulless Hall. If a fight were to break out, it would likely delay them. He understood that the longer the delay, the weaker the remaining aura within Blood

couldn’t detect any auras, they would never know

Jared and his companions were planning to avoid confrontation, Hanes and his group from the Soulless


“Master, it… it’s Jared…”

Jared as he

hadn’t expected to encounter Jared here

“If a fight breaks out, take the telepathic beast and hurry back to Blood Spirit Valley. I will hold them off with Catina for the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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