However, serving the Demon Seal Alliance, Soulless Hall saw no hope at all. Although their cultivation level was constantly improving through cultivation, their true strength was quite weak. After all, Soulless Hall’s resources were entirely dependent on the rewards granted by the Demon Seal Alliance.

Moreover, Jared now had Catina, a Seventh Level Tribulator, by his side. Hanes was not confident that he could kill Jared.

Zander broke the silence by saying, “Master, we should stop risking our lives for the Demon Seal Alliance. They don’t even treat us as humans. In this area of Demonia Mountain, the three tribes live in harmony. We might as well stay here and develop.”

Mayze chimed in as well, “Master, we should break away from the Demon Seal Alliance. They are enslaving us demons with the excuse of eradicating evil to maintain peace. We can’t be enslaved anymore; we need to fight back. Moreover, we need to let the world know that not all of us demons are unforgivable villains, and that the Demon Seal Alliance is not as virtuous as it seems.”

Hanes remained silent, his face clouded with uncertainty. He was still indecisive.

said, “The Celestial Battle in the past led to incessant conflicts in the Ethereal Realm, leaving the people in dire straits. As a result, demons became the target of everyone’s wrath. Actually, this is a conspiracy. I know that not all of you demons are inherently evil. Don’t you yearn

entire Demon Seal Alliance has practically united numerous sects and prestigious families from the five regions of the Ethereal

also fell silent. The power of the Demon Seal Alliance was too immense, so Soulless Hall stood no

then, Let’s pretend

a moment of hesitation, Hanes waved his hand, signaling

gain any advantage


in these three days, we will go as far as we

all else fails, I’ll take them to the peak of the most dangerous mountains. Perhaps, we might be able

at Hanes and asked,

aback, not

I believe the Demon Seal Alliance won’t find you for a while. Furthermore, you must also unite with other demon clans to collectively resist the Demon Seal Alliance. Only in this way can we keep the Demon Seal

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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