“Mr. Whalreth, reconstructing a physical body is quite challenging, and initially, your strength will significantly decrease. Mr. Hadad is also in the process of rebuilding his body. He has the support of Phantom Valley, but even so, his current strength is not very formidable. At the very least, you are now inhabiting someone else’s body, and your strength is still quite impressive, Jared explained.

“You don’t understand. When you inhabit someone else’s body, your strength is limited. If I could reconstruct my physical form, it would be difficult at first, but it would improve over time. Once I successfully reconstruct my body, I could return to my peak. It would be like living again. Besides, I’ve long been tired of this unpleasant skin bag. My own body is much more appealing. This repulsive skin bag, covered in hair, even makes it difficult to attract romantic partners,” Whalreth said with a great sense of helplessness.


Jared couldn’t help but burst into laughter. He hadn’t expected Whalreth to express himself in such a manner.

didn’t know where the Demonia Stone was, let alone being able to help Whalreth find

I understand that the Demonia Stone is located at the peak of Demonia Mountain. Moreover, this type of

Where could I find such a

Jared and said, “You don’t need to rush. Just keep an eye out for the Demonia Stone for me. Come here. I will share with you a

whispered a


time magical item reverse time, resurrect the dead, or even turn back time?”

a complete reversal of time, but rather it takes your consciousness back to past events. That means you can see and hear, but you can’t take any action. After all, what you bring to the past is only your consciousness.

basic understanding of the timepiece, and he even learned the mnemonic. Now, it all depended on

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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