Upon seeing the communication device in Whalreth’s hand, Jared couldn’t help but feel a mix of amusement and frustration.

It appeared that the charm masters in the Ethereal Realm were severely lacking in skill.

Even these supposedly powerful charm masters couldn’t create simple charms.

Jared took out numerous communication devices from his storage ring and said, “Mr. Whalreth, you should keep this one for yourself. I have plenty more here. I’ll give them all to you. You can use them whenever you want to reach me. I can easily craft hundreds of these in no time…”

Whalreth muttered in surprise as he saw Jared holding dozens of communication devices.

Without hesitation, Whalreth accepted the communication devices and left.

As Whalreth’s figure disappeared, Montane Daemon found himself in a state of disbelief. He hadn’t expected to actually encounter Whalreth.

After Whalreth departed, Jared turned to Igor and Montane Daemon, saying, “I encountered some people from the Soulless Hall on the way and brought them here.”

Soulless Hall? Weren’t they trying to kill you? These

Soulless Hall now wish to break away from the Demon Seal Alliance, so l brought them here. Blood Spirit Valley is large enough to accommodate them temporarily. I doubt the Demon Seal Alliance would anticipate this, Jared

Mr. Chance, I wouldn’t object to them

take you guys to

led Igor and Montane Daemon

quickly became acquainted with each other. After the Soulless Hall sought refuge in Blood Spirit Valley, allowing them to temporarily

take the telepathic beasts and familiarize themselves with the aura of Blood Spirit Valley first, while

familiar with the aura

He was desperate to know who

it go?”

all,” Feenix confidently

to know whose aura lingers in this place. Then, we’ll have the telepathic beast

proceeded to give the telepathic beast some

it possessed

Valley and eventually lingered near the

beast let out a roar towards the southeast and began to run swiftly.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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